Monday, August 24, 2020

How Mass Media Affects Adolescents Free Essays

We’ve all heard the articulation, â€Å"Well if your companions bounced off a scaffold, OK hop, as well? † from our folks, or other grown-up figure-type individual. In today’s society, young people appear to be taking this expression to another level. As the media keeps on manhandling the prevalence of the too-flimsy on-screen characters and entertainers, misuse well known persons’ suicides, and depict ‘problems’ when all is said in done as being ‘cool’ with TV shows concentrated on recovery circles including those mainstream individuals our way of life knows and cherishes, an ever increasing number of youngsters are discovering motivations to copycat these dangerous ‘role models’, bringing about an emergency inside the adolescent. We will compose a custom paper test on How Mass Media Affects Adolescents or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now The downturn, low confidence, dietary issue, and self destruction rate calamity inside the young would all be able to be followed back to the media, which will in general glamorize such issues, with the goal that they request to teenagers just like the following ‘in’ thing. Self destruction is a gigantic issue that is intensely affected by the media. Yourannual List of Ins and Outs, an article which occasionally records tends and crazes, recorded one year self destruction as a â€Å"in†. â€Å"The ‘In’ Way to Look for Help†, 1) Most sincerely secure individuals would comprehend that the posting of self destruction as a â€Å"in† was a joke and not pay attention to it †yet emotional wellness professionals like David Shaffer of Columbia University of Physicians and Surgeons, have done research to demonstrate that the â€Å"adolescent self destruction rate may increase when the media glamorize suicide†. (â€Å"The ‘Inâ₠¬â„¢ Way to Look for Help†, 1) Suicide is a major issue, and despite the fact that this was implied as a joke, there are a few kids who really take things like the recently referenced article truly. Albeit such individuals/youth might be touchy as of now, this bit of â€Å"pressure† from society adds to the unevenness. The media has additionally exploited the famous people who have executed themselves, causing them to appear â€Å"chic†, or â€Å"cool†. Abuse of such occasions gives some less steady people the feeling that these kind of activities are socially worthy, and that in the event that they want to â€Å"escape†, they may start with ending their lives while appearing â€Å"hip† simultaneously. In an examination done at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, an investigation was done to discover what the young accepted the main source of self destruction to be was. The â€Å"most every now and again refered to cause was strain to accommodate and additionally perform†¦as a result of companion pressure†. (Edna Heled, 1) Later, when the subjects were solicited to indicate the degree from their concurrence with 29 potential reasons, two of the most settled upon things were hearing a great deal about self destruction in the media, and accepting that self destruction is satisfactory or cool. Edna Heled, 3) When requested potential answers for decrease the pace of self destruction, there were no recommendations to diminishing the inclusion of self destruction in the media. The youthful view on self-perception has gotten a dubious subject. TV, magazines, and the general media have set a standard for both male and females that is hard for most to accomplish. It is pr esently mainstream for young ladies to be terrifying thin, and â€Å"straight as a board†. In an investigation by Hargreaves and Tiggermann, it was discovered that watching appearance-related ads â€Å"heightened appearance construction actuation in early youthful girls†. In another anonymous investigation secured by Meghan Sinton and Leann Birch, it was discovered that a few young ladies †in spite of the fact that not an enormous level of them †were seen as extremely influenced by the advertisements. In a similar investigation, it was found that broad communications was particularly persuasive with young ladies who were at that point body unsure. The most effective method to refer to How Mass Media Affects Adolescents, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

First Day at University :: Autobiography Essay, Personal Narrative

My First Day at University My University is an instructive establishment which is broadly perceived everywhere throughout the world. It started from Philippines and works together with PSBA (Philippine School of Business Administration). It has 2 branches in Jakarta which is situated in Hayam Wuruk and the other one in Kelapa Gading. My University has been my first decision since I accept that it as the capacity to furnish me with quality training. I rose early that morning because of an ill-advised rest during the earlier night. It was because of the uneasiness to begin new with my new life. I was resolved to be the best in whatever it is that I do, with the goal that I would have something to be pleased with in an incredible pages. Because of the dread of arriving at late during my first day, I arrived at one hour sooner than would normally be appropriate and chosen to invest some energy at KTC (Kelapa gading Trade Center) which is found right adjacent to the University. I was trusting that time would move much quicker in light of the fact that I needed to get some answers concerning what would occur straightaway. In any case, in the event that we are tensely sitting tight for something, time would appear to creep a ton more slow. At the point when it was at last an opportunity to make a beeline for the grounds, I sought after everything to go on easily, similarly as how I anticipated it. I prepared myself and went to meet So fia, who was liable for the new understudies, to ask about my study hall. In the wake of being told on which space to go to, I began strolling towards the class, the blend of energy and apprehension begin to fill inside me. I began to feel like standard 1 once more where I was a little child who didn’,t realize where to go. I didn’,t know anybody in the class with the exception of Diksha who is my cherished companion. The extraordinary thing about this grounds is that every study hall is named after a quality. For instance, the study hall names are Unity, Humanity, and Innovation, etc. Much the same as the study hall name, a certain educator entered our study hall.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Tale of Two Majors

A Tale of Two Majors I am double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Biology, with a double minor in Biomedical Engineering and Economics. Who does that?!?!? Yours truly. Well, not anymore but thats how I used to be. When I first started off at MIT, I thought that the only way to learn was to take a bunch of classes and try to get as many degrees as humanly possible. My grandpa shared an anecdote of his childhood with me that I think really captures my story the best. When he was young, he would buy shoes that were larger than his shoe size. Small same price. Big same price. Buy big. At MIT, 1 major is the same price as 2 majors and 2 minors, so why not? Reality check: There are only 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week. When I first came to MIT, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but who wants to make a decision like that assuming that it would determine the rest of my life. So why not try to hedge my bets and try to do everything instead. (That made a lot of sense.) The reality of it all was I got tired very easily and was running out of time to do the other things that college life afforded me. I was what some people call a workaholic. I think the reality check came about two years ago this time when I went home for Thanksgiving and was so tired that I slept straight through dinner. So fast forward two years, Im graduating in about 7 months, and I think scaling back was a good idea for me. I was able to devote a lot more time to my 1 major and 1 minor. It turned out that with more time on my hands I devoted more time in lab, more time with friends, and I think Ill remember those things moreso than the extra equation that I missed by not taking that class. So I guess, this little soapbox is dedicated to everyone who thinks that the only way to learn a lot is to take a lot of classes. Ill leave it up to you to make the final decision. And I mean, theres always OCW.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Manhattan Project - 1664 Words

Thesis: The research for the first Atomic bomb was done in the United States, by a group of the best scientists; this research was given the name of amp;quot;The Manhattan Projectamp;quot;. On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb was detonated it sent shock-waves all over the world. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United States. The research was called amp;quot;The Manhattan Engineer District Projectamp;quot; but it was more commonly known as quot;The Manhattan Project.quot;1 The Manhattan Project was brought by fear of Germany and its atomic†¦show more content†¦Then he went to teach at Berkley University.4 Another main person in the research project was Enrico Fermi. Fermi was a graduate of the University of Pisa, where he received his Ph.D. Fermi then went to the University of Rome teachi ng chemistry and biology. Fermi played a major role in the development of the bomb by creating a sustained nuclear fission chain reaction, which was critical to making the atomic bomb.4 Richard Feyman was another scientist which worked on the atomic bomb. Feyman graduated from Princeton where he excelled in physics and other scientific studies. Feymans big duty on the Manhattan Project was to break big problems into smaller easier to do problems.4 The Manhattan Project, also had to have facilities for the research and testing of the atomic bomb. Some of the facilities built by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers included: power stations, factories, steel works, hospitals, laboratories, and housing for everybody that worked on the project.. Other facilities that were built for the construction of the bomb were plants to make the radioactive material needed to construct the bomb. Oak Ridge, Tennessee was used to make uranium which was used as an explosive to react with plutonium. The plutoni um itself was made in Hanford, Washington.5 To make this explosion possible, a piece of uranium was fired at another piece of uranium to make the critical mass that was needed for an explosion. Critical mass is the exact amount ofShow MoreRelatedThe Manhattan Project1114 Words   |  5 PagesThe Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was to see if making an atomic bomb possible. The success of this project would forever change the world forever making it known that something this powerful can be manmade. The Manhattan Project’s success was something that had an impact on everybody involved since they helped create something with so much destructive power it could destroy a city within seconds. The University of Chicago in Illinois had a huge role with the making of the atomic bombRead MoreThe Manhattan Project568 Words   |  2 Pagesneutral so it sent suicide bombers to attack our naval base in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Thus leading into the use of the atomic bomb, but first the construction, an event referred to as the Manhattan Project. The name Manhattan Project came about because the program began under the Manhattan Engineering District of the War Department. Early 1939, the scientist of the world learned that German scientist had discovered a way to spit a uranium atom, created a bomb that was capable of the destructionRead MoreOutline Of The Manhattan Project1621 Words   |  7 Pages The Manhattan Project Jervontae Young Mr.Davis English III 16 october 2017 Outline Thesis Statement: The Manhattan Project was the American program for researching and developing the first atomic bombs because of the project it cost a lot of people their lives. Introduction Which President form the Atomic Bomb in why? The agencies leading up to the Manhattan Project were first formed in 1939 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt U.S. intelligence operatives reported that scientists workingRead MoreThe Manhattan Project : The York Project2877 Words   |  12 PagesHonors - Period 3 30 November 2014 The Manhattan Project Everyone has secrets, even the U.S. Government. The Manhattan project was one of the many secrets the Government kept from the United States until after the damage was done. What was the Manhattan Project? The manhattan project was a multi-billion dollar enterprise, 2.2 billion to be exact, that provided U.S. Military forces with the single most destructive weapon known to man; the atomic bomb. The project was to be a kept at high secrecy fromRead MoreThe Manhattan Project Essay545 Words   |  3 PagesThe Manhattan Project was a very important event throughout the World War II history. It began the development of the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons that were of good help during the war. It first began with a German scientist separating the uranium atom, which made people be scared of what Hitler might be capable of. Also Hitler and his people had begun discovering new types of weapons that were useful for them in the war. Something that apparently Hitler did not quite think about, was theRead MoreThe Manhattan Project Essay901 Words   |  4 PagesThe world was shocked when the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. The bombs were a result of years of research and testing completed by the nation’s top physicists in a top-secret project called the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a crucial development by the United States because it quickly ended the war with Japan. In August 1939, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard drafted the Einstein-Szilard letter to send to President Roosevelt. The letter outlined the needRead More The Manhattan Project Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesThe Atomic Bomb The research for the first Atomic bomb took place in the United States, by a group of nuclear engineers; the name of this research was called, â€Å"The Manhattan Project†. On July 16, 1945, the detonation of the first atomic bomb was tested near Los Alamos, New Mexico. As the atomic bomb was detonated, it sent shock-waves across the globe, which demonstrated that nuclear power would forever change the meaning of war. To create a nuclear bomb, nuclear fission must occur. The processRead More The Manhattan Project Essay1507 Words   |  7 PagesThe Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was the code name of the America’s attempt to construct an atomic bomb during World War II. It was named after the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, because a lot of it’s earlier research was done in New York City. An atomic bomb is a weapon that uses the energy from a nuclear reaction called Fission for its destruction. The idea that mass could be changed into energy was predicted by Albert Einstein in the earlierRead MoreEssay on The Manhattan Project1934 Words   |  8 Pages Before the Manhattan Project, in the beginning there were many advancements in understanding made in the world of physics. These resulted in the recognition of nuclear fission and its potential as an energy source and as a potential weapon. Of these advancements none was more central and important than the development of the nuclear model of the atom, which by the year of 1932 contained a nucleus containing most of the mass of an atom in the form of two particles, protons and neutrons. This nucleusRead MoreAlbert Einstein/the Manhattan Project2254 Words   |  10 Pagesand evolution of the Manhattan Project and why did Einstein’s thoughts and involvement in the Manhattan Project change throughout World War II? Albert Einstein was undoubtedly one of the geniuses of the twentieth century. His work with gravity, relativity, light, and the universe helped to herald in a golden age for the study of science, of which scientists are still marveling at and studying today. Additionally, he was well-known for his participation in the Manhattan Project and the construction

Friday, May 8, 2020

Disney, Little Mermaid, And Big Hero 6 - 1825 Words

â€Å"If you can dream it you can do it† – Walt Disney. Walt Disney, the man who made Mickey Mouse and inspired the World. What do think of when you hear the words Frozen, Jungle Book, Little Mermaid, and Big hero 6. All of these movies are made by the Walt Disney Company and Walt Disney is the man who started the Walt Disney Company. However the original name of the company was The Disney Brothers Studio. With the help of some friends and family Walt Disney dreams came true. Walt Disney who is an incredible animator, made a remarkable and timeless character is named Mickey Mouse. By creating Mickey Mouse he began a journey of impacting America with a few bumps on the way. But by pursuing his dream he created joy and happiness through the great depression and World War II and inspired everyone to follow their dreams. Walt Disney was born in small town near Chicago named Hermosa in December 5, 1901. As a man he brought joy and inspiration to the world, however he wasnâ⠂¬â„¢t always a happy boy (Selden 9). We know Walt as a man who gave a new way of imagining to everyone, but when he was a little boy it was hard for him to imagine what joy was. Walt’s life was really hard, his father and mother Elias and Flora Disney didn’t have a lot of money so they were always moving from town to town. And with little money he had work to help provide for the family. Walt Disney wasn’t a single child in fact, he had four brothers and sister name; Roy O. Disney, Ruth Flora Disney, Herbert ArthurShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review - Representation of Women in Walt Disney Cartoon Characters.3370 Words   |  14 PagesLiterature Review Study of representation of women in Walt Disney Cartoon Characters. Title: Study of representation of women in Walt Disney Cartoon Characters. Introduction: As long as there have been civilizations, there have been stories, myths that are told to children. These stories are usually the basis of the cartoons characters except some which are from creator’s imagination. This story telling is a means of not only comforting and amusing a child, but of teaching the child the societalRead MoreWalt Disney Company Vs. Studio Ghibli1298 Words   |  6 PagesMarina Klimova Professor Stacy English 111 1 October 2017 The Walt Disney Company vs. Studio Ghibli What does a whistling mouse and a catlike bunny creature have in common? They are both the logos of two leading animation companies: the Walt Disney Company and Studio Ghibli. While Disney and Studio Ghibli vary in their style, production, and overall themes, they both produce award winning and adventurous movies for Western and Non-Western audiences alike. In 1928, the whistling Mickey Mouse in theRead MoreThe Mega Conglomerate, Disney, Walt Disney1130 Words   |  5 PagesHistory The mega conglomerate, Disney, began in 1923 with two men and one cartoon, Alice In Wonderland. From 1988 to present day Disney Pictures has released some of the most successful films in Hollywood. Disney’s most iconic and memorable titles include, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Beauty and The Beast. Disney has pushed the boundaries of the film industry since its beginning with the production of the first full length animation film, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, as wellRead MoreHidden Sexual Messages Found In Disney Movies2806 Words   |  12 PagesHidden Sexual Messages Found In Disney Movies Group Name: LUCKY # 13 Group Leader: Jami Rosier Editors: Zack Sams Steve Raszka Proofreaders: Sara Roberts, Haley Rinas, Brittani Saab Designers: Mike Porowski, Jami Rosier, Brett Pilkington Writers: Brett Pilkington, Mike Porowski, Steve Raszka, Haley Rinas, Jami Rosier, Zack Sams Introduction By: Jami Rosier With competitors such as DreamWorks, and Pixar, Disney Incorporated uses a vividly apparent strategy of sex appeal in order to raiseRead MoreErm Research Report On Walt Disney Company Essay1585 Words   |  7 PagesWalt Disney Company â€Æ' ERM Research report – The Walt Disney Company I. COMPANY BACKGROUND The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world. According to the â€Å"2015-Annual-Report† of the Walt Disney CompanyRead MoreStrategic Planning : Walt Disney1592 Words   |  7 PagesMGT411 Strategic Planning Walt Disney Company Strategic Analysis Patten University Disney, Yesterday and Today The Walt Disney Company was formed in 1923 as the Disney Brother Cartoon Studio with Walt and Roy Disney. With the start of Alice Wonderland series, Walt Disney would start a company that would go on to become legend. A staple for all things animation and the standard in which the industry models itself the Disney Company went on to create ground breaking milestones in animation and allRead MoreThe Disney Princesses1741 Words   |  7 PagesDisney has been an inspiration to kids since October 16, 1923. With the start of Mickey Mouse cartoons, Disney has created an empire of imagination. Ever since Snow White, Disney’s first princess in 1937, came on the screen, young females have been amazed by the vision of the â€Å"Disney Princess†. As the years went by, dozens of princesses have hit movie screens and Disney has made billions off of the profits from these individuals. In reality, Disney has influenced the immature views of what to expectRead MoreDisney s Employment Of Various Master Narratives And Its Way Of Representing Crimes And Criminals2267 Words   |  10 PagesThe Walt Disney Company franchise has had a large amount of influence in the culture of the United States through the widespread distribution of Disney products and image. The power of popular media has even more so made Disney characters, and Walt Disney himself, important and easily recognizable cultural icons for a large majority of Americans. Henry Giroux (2002) described that in today’s world, media has increasingly become a primary agent of communication and education for children (p. 100)Read More Subverting the Conventional: Combining Genre in Kellys Donnie Darko6339 Words   |  26 Pagesshows the gross of each film and is as follows: 1. Titanic $600,744,440 2. Star Wars $460,935,655 3. E.T the Extra-Terrestrial $434,949,459 4. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace $431,065,444 5. Spider-Man $403,706,375 6. Jurassic Park $356,763,175 7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $337,526,600 8. Forrest Gump $329,452,287 9. The Lion King $328,178,880 10. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone $317,557,891 Five of the films listed

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Based god Free Essays

Dear college admissions, Affirmative action really helps minorities and under privileged Americans. It helps them pay for college and get the right training they need for success later on in life, which will help the, later on in life to get better Jobs. Hand in hand it’ll help out our economy in the long run. We will write a custom essay sample on Based god or any similar topic only for you Order Now I can understand that some people would say that it wouldn’t be beneficial for the people that aren’t from minority backgrounds and that ffirmative action is discrimination. People may say that its discrimination because the people registering students are looking if theyre for ethnicity to see if they need help paying for school. But in my opinion you money only comes in one color, and that’s green. If I could change some things about affirmative action it would be that the applicants wouldn’t have to be of color or ethnicity, they would Just have to meet the income requirements. We would check their parent’s annual income and see the best fit amount of money for their situation. When someone applies it shouldn’t tell us the race of the applicant, it should Just state the income, parents in the household, and the other basic information. Race shouldn’t influence others opinions. How to cite Based god, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Nonbank Financial Intermediaries Essays - Economy, Finance, Money

Nonbank Financial Intermediaries Nonbank Financial Intermediaries Brian Piotrowski There has been an increased level of competition among financial intermediaries since the late 1990's and it will continue into the new millennium. The large players in this increased competition are the nonbank financial intermediaries. Our text explains that nonbanks are ?other intermediaries and nonfinancial companies that have taken an increasing share of intermediation? (Burton & Lombra, 311). The text continues that these banks face much less regulation than traditional banks, which translates to significantly lower costs. This factor is allowing nonbank intermediaries to create a stronghold on the market, which is at its highest profit rates in history (312). What, exactly, are these intermediaries doing to banking? Nonbanks play an important dual role in the financial system. They complement the role of commercial banks by filling gaps in their range of services. But they also compete with commercial banks and force them to be more efficient and responsive to the needs of their customers. Most nonbanks are also actively involved in the securities markets and in the mobilization and allocation of long-term financial resources. Pension funds and other institutional investors that move large long-term financial resources, act as intense opposition to the once dominant commercial banks. Nonbank financial intermediaries include various institutions, such as leasing, factoring, and venture capital companies to various types of contractual savings and institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies, and mutual funds). The common characteristic of these institutions is that they mobilize savings and facilitate the financing of different activities, but they do not accept deposits from the p ublic. The lack of public deposit capabilities is beginning to change, however, with the institution of on-line banking. Since on-line banking is the most prominent of the nonbank financial intermediaries, it will be our main focus. Many on-line banking customers, today, wonder why people would still be members of a traditional bank where there are lines and ignorant customer service representatives. By using online banking, bank customers are able to avoid writing checks and balancing checkbooks. The customer must only post the company names and addresses of those that monthly bills are paid, one time. Once he/she does this, however, there will be no need to write a check, which will cut bill-paying time in half. The customer has instant access to account information and check clearance is reported immediately. These benefits must be attractive to the public, according to International Data Corp., who tells us that 6.6 million households did their banking on-line last year. They predict that, in less than five years, 33 million will participate. Most of these on-line banking sites have minimal system requirements, which include either Netscape Navigator 4.06 web browser or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or new er browser. These browsers provide encryption of information, which makes on-line banking at least as secure as the traditional method, and possibly more secure (Hutheesing). Traditional banks are receiving a lot of pressure from traditionally monoline credit card companies. These highly focused firms have been able to establish quite a reputation in the credit card market over the past decade. With the introduction of the Internet to the world over the past few years, these companies have been able to successfully market their closely related certificates of deposit and money market accounts. With improvements in Internet technology, these credit card companies have been able to assimilate to the more traditional, full service system. This movement in the banking industry is causing a scare among traditional banks. Michael Auriemma, president of Auriemma Consulting Group in Westbury, NY, explains in Miriam Souccar's article that, ?everybody in the financial services industry is talking about customer relationship management and how to maximize the profit of each individual customer, and credit card issuers have a leg up when it comes to managing relation ships? (1). These issuers seriously market noncard benefits and use them as a major solution in maintaining customer relationships. As an employee of American Express Tax and Business Services, I am very familiar with their brand awareness that the corporate offices are using as a major marketing tool. With this and the Internet, American Express has been able to come to the forefront of nonbank on-line banking competition. American Express' on-line bank offers money market